We designed and developed a great looking website for our friends at Foundation House. They are the only extended care, sober living program in the country that includes the full spectrum of 12-Step, Holistic, Athletic, Art, Music, LADC and Wilderness therapies for young men in early recovery from drug and alcohol dependency. The website is bright, bold, colorful and dynamic much like the staff, house managers, therapists and young men in recovery that make up Foundation House. We also continue to create numerous, complex, graphic design layouts for newsletters, alumni updates and invitations to events sent via email campaign software like MailChimp and Constant Contact.
Highlights: Deep in content, but easy to read and navigate. Lots of color and chock full of photo and video galleries, interactive sliding content and data collection forms.
View: www.foundationhouse.com
Graphic Composite: blog.slickfish.com