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The insightful & frank, Frank.


If you don’t know who Frank Chimero is, you’re missing out.

He is an illustrator, AND a designer, AND a teacher, BUT what really draws me in is his writing.

Based on the statement above, you can imagine he’s pretty entertaining. Mr. Chimero is a thinker with a curious mind. His blog is a place where his thoughts and curiosities take form. He is intelligent, insightful and very, well… frank.

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Here is an excerpt from a recent blog post about how he cannot bring himself to read Henry David Thoreau’s “Walden”. Brilliant visualization. Why didn’t I come up with that?!

“Life is a set of nested envelopes—the seed of you is held in the mind, which is in your body, which is encased in your family, your relations, workplace, city, nation, society, and so on. Thoreau eliminated all the layers and kept only the ones he couldn’t escape: nature and his mind. But I wonder if this was a mistake. What if those fussy middle parts between the mind and nature weren’t a crutch, but the third leg of a stool? Perhaps the real reason Walden scares me is the same reason it has offended so many others: that third leg Thoreau disparaged is where I put most of my weight.”

We also added some other designer quotes to our Words of Wisdom board, too. Good ones. Check ’em out if you like!

SlickFish Studios is a small, creative website design and development company located down by the water in the historic Old Port of Portland, Maine. SlickFish specializes in inspired custom websites, animation & logo design. For more stuff like this check out our blog. If you'd like to see some of our professional work please visit our portfolio. Also find me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and let's connect on LinkedIn.